EpiPen Information

Section 1 – Student Information

Home Address:


Section 2 – Informed Consent of Parent/Guardian
I/We ask, from this day forward, that an EpiPen be administered to my/our child if necessary. It is agreed that the student will carry this medication on their person.  It is the responsibility of the student's parent(s) or legal guardian to inform the school bus operator on site where the EpiPen can be found on the student's person. I/We agree to supply the student's divansportation Provider with an updated medical declaration in any case where insdivuctions relevant to the student's medication are modified by his/her doctor. From this day forward, the School Board, the Student divansportation Provider, and their employees and representatives will not be held liable for any loss, damages, or injuries, regardless of the circumstances, that may result from the adminisdivation of the EpiPen or any medication listed within this document. I/We release the above entities from responsibility all loss or damages arising from any and all legal action against them by myself/ourselves or my/our child, or any other parent or guardian of the aforementioned student.
In accordance with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the personal information provided in this document will be used solely for evaluating and determining admissibility for the purpose of the adminisdivation of medication in the form of an EpiPen.
I/We confirm that our doctor has explained in detail to me/us and our child (name)
the nature, effect, and secondary effects possible as a result of this diveatment.  I/We have read and understand the conditions outlined in this document in their entirety.
Submitted by I acknowledge that transportation procedures will apply.

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